Bridgnorth Historical Society
Founded in 1934 "to advance the education of the public in all matters of historic or allied nature...."

The society was set up by Mr. J.T. Foxall, on February 8th 1934, to “advance the education of the public in all matters of historic or allied nature, in particular those arising in Bridgnorth and within the County of Shropshire”.
At the start there were 31 members. This had risen to 62 by the end of that year. Dr. Wilfred Watkins-Pitchford was the first president.
The early meetings were held in Bridgnorth’s Grammar School, (now the Endowed School) and the lectures were considered important enough to be reported in the local press.
In 1936 the Town Council offered the Burgess Hall (the room over the Northgate Arch) as a meeting place but, due to the Second World War, the move did not take place until 1946.
Its role today
The Historical Society holds regular monthly meetings from October to March at which speakers give interesting talks on historical subjects, often with photographs, videos and demonstrations. These meetings take place at the Community Hall in Bridgnorth’s Low Town.
In the summer months, members can go on outings to places of historical interest.
Volunteers from the membership of the Society run and maintain the Town Museum which is situated above the Northgate.

Upcoming events
The Bridgnorth Historical Society organises occasional summer outings, and a full programme of talks during the winter months. For members, entry to the winter talks is free.
Please contact our team if you would like to attend one of our summer outings or winter talks.
Summer outings
In the absence of an Outings Secretary on our Committee, it was decided to run one Summer Outing this year.
Winter talks
Our winter talks take place in the Community Hall, Severn Street, Bridgnorth, WV15 6BB, and start at 7.30pm.
A programme of talks for next Winter has now been arranged:
Professor Mike Haynes will present an illustrated talk to the Society entitled "Getting rid of the Stink", which, when it happened, was a major public health revolution!
A very different subject, when David Rushforth describes to us all "Life on board the Royal Yacht Britannia", with lots of pictures and stories about the Royal Family.
Our Christmas meeting sees one of our favourite speakers returning - this time Max Keen will be dressing up as Lord Horatio Nelson. His talk, entitled "England's Greatest Hero?", will be followed by hot drinks and Christmas nibbles.
To start the new year, our first talk will be given by Ray Sturdy, entitled "The Rise and Fall of Worcestershire's Witley Court" - a Royal Palace, created by the Earls of Dudley, before its untimely demise, destroyed by fire in 1937.
Our popular speaker, Karen Evans, will deliver an illustrated talk entitled "A Grim Almanac of Staffordshire". The talk will be followed by our AGM.
Emma Spenser, the Manager of Bridgnorth Library, will be dressing up as a Land Girl to deliver a talk entitled "The Women's Land Army" - not to be missed...
Become a member
Annual membership of the Bridgnorth Historical Society begins in January - the membership fee is £18 for the year. This entitles you to attend all of the winter lectures free of charge.
If you would like to become a member of the Bridgnorth Historical Society then please enter your details in the form below. These details will be passed on to the membership secretary who will then contact you.
Get in touch
Please use the form below if you are interested in becoming a member of the Society.
You can also use this form to contact us with any general enquiries about the Society, or the Bridgnorth Northgate Museum, or you can contact us by email at